Моя оценка

This complete collection includes all the published stories of Eudora Welty. There are forty-one stories in all, including the earlier collections A Curtain of Green, The Wide Net, The Golden…
Издательство: Harcourt Brace

A curtain of green and other stories. Lily Daw and the three ladies --
A piece of news --
Petrified man --
The key --
Keela, the outcast Indian maiden --
Why I live at the P.O. --
The whistle --
The hitch-hikers --
A memory --
Clytie --
Old Mr. Marblehall --
Flowers for Marjorie --
A curtain of green --
A visit of charity --
Death of a traveling salesman --
Powerhouse --
A worn path --
The wide net and other stories. First love --
The wide net --
A still moment --
Asphodel --
The winds --
The purple hat --
Livvie --
At the landing --
The golden apples. Shower of gold --
June recital --
Sir Rabbit --
Moon Lake --
The whole world knows --
Music from Spain --
The wanderers --
The bride of the Innisfallen and other stories. No place for you, my love --
The burning --
The bride of the Innisfallen --
Ladies in spring --
Circe --
Kin --
Going to Naples --
Uncollected stories. Where is the voice coming from? --
The demonstrators.

ISBN: 0156189216, 978-0156189217

Год издания: 1982

Язык: Английский

Paperback, 622 pages

Лауреат: 1983 г.Национальная книжная премия США (Лучший роман в мягкой обложке)
Номинант: 1981 г.Национальная книжная премия США (Лучший роман в твердом переплете)


Всего 12

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