Maximum Willpower: How to master the new science of self-control

Kelly McGonigal


Моя оценка

Feel better and get more done by mastering the power of willpower
Издательство: Macmillan

Лучшая рецензия на книгу

14 января 2014 г. 03:09



This book explains a great deal about the physiological, psychological and social basis of self-control using published experimental evidence and personal examples. It may not instantaneously give you iron willpower but the increased self-awareness will certainly make you better equipped to implement the various exercises and strategies tested out by the author's students. Insightful, funny and absorbing, so much I had to use one of the tricks to stop myself from reading it in one go. Highly recommended!

ISBN: 978-0230761551

Год издания: 2012

Язык: Английский



Всего 1

14 января 2014 г. 03:09



This book explains a great deal about the physiological, psychological and social basis of self-control using published experimental evidence and personal examples. It may not instantaneously give you iron willpower but the increased self-awareness will certainly make you better equipped to implement the various exercises and strategies tested out by the author's students. Insightful, funny and absorbing, so much I had to use one of the tricks to stop myself from reading it in one go. Highly recommended!

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