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Before he tries out for the new Fighting Squirrels baseball team, Rotten Ralph is sure he is going to be a superstar. Never mind that he doesn’t have any skills and doesn’t want to practice. While…
Издательство: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Straus and Giroux

ISBN: 978-0374363543

Год издания: 2011

"Gantos and Rubel offer easy reading, funny pictures, and an accessible lesson about humility and hard work—sprinkled with some legit baseball pointers."
--Publishers Weekly

"Ralph’s ... irrepressible rottenness will delight newly independent readers."
--Kirkus Reviews

"There is never a dull moment in this colorful and appealing early reader."
--School Library Journal

"A quirky but warmhearted baseball story that will amuse young readers, sports fans or not."


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