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From Maeve Binchy’s earliest writings to the most recent, her work is filled with wisdom and common sense and also a sharp, often witty voice that is insightful and reaches out to her readers around…
Издательство: Knopf

ISBN: 978-1101947418

Год издания: 2016

Язык: Английский

Hardcover: 336 pages
Publisher: Knopf; First U.S. Edition So Stated edition (March 1, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1101947411
ISBN-13: 978-1101947418
Product Dimensions: 6.7 x 1.5 x 9.5 inches

“Exploring the complex nature of relationships in the melodic prose that became her trademark, Binchy charts the dynamics of romance, the politics of family and the stipulations of friendship. When it comes to capturing the caprices of the human heart, she’s unbeatable. Readers will recognize themselves in her nuanced portrayals of women and men whose goals and regrets, dreams and disappointments never feel less than true-to-life. There’s no better antidote to a raw March evening than a dose of vintage Binchy.” —Julie Hale, BookPage

“The stories cover a broad range of human experiences for which Binchy had a unique talent for expressing . . . There are no flashy literary pyrotechnics, just solid, old-fashioned storytelling. Binchy displays a deep understanding of human nature that strikes a balance between idealists and realists, the cynical and the hopeful . . . At times whimsical, at times somber, Binchy had a keen sense for the nuances of relationships, and the inherent contradictions and quirks of human behavior. A Few of the Girls is a fitting tribute to a beloved and much-missed writer.” —Eleanora Buckbee, Everday eBook

“Binchy’s unique voice is reminiscent of a letter from an old friend.” —Vicki Briner, Library Journal

“In true Binchy fashion, these gentle stories revolve around universal themes of love, loyalty, friendship, compassion, and perseverance. The exploration of human relationships never ceases to fascinate and the author’s ability to empathetically depict the ups and downs of ordinary people living in authentic circumstances translates well to a briefer format. Tying all the stories together is, of course, their trademark comfy settings, and devoted fans will relish another armchair visit to Ireland.” —Margaret Flanagan, Booklist

“The stories bring to life well-developed characters, often in the space of a few paragraphs, and brim with Maeve’s warmth and common sense. She writes particularly well on loneliness, and about the hopes and fears of young people on the cusp of adulthood.” —Irish Independent

“This new collection of Maeve’s beloved short stories will force you to put down your smartphone in favour of your favourite armchair and this hardback. Featuring some of her best works it is a fine tribute to a very fine author.” —Image

“These stories are full of warmth and humour . . . easy to read and an ideal present for any of her fans.” —Woman’s Way

“The wit, humanity and truths of dearly departed Maeve Binchy live on in her absorbing fictions as this collection of 41 stories proves.” —RTE Guide

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