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New York Times bestselling author Joseph Finder delivers an exhilarating and timely thriller exploring how even the most powerful among us can be brought down by a carefully crafted lie and how the…
Цикл: Ник Хеллер, книга №3
Издательство: Dutton

Guilty Minds, роман

ISBN: 978-0525954620

Год издания: 2016

Язык: Английский

Hardcover: 400 pages
Publisher: Dutton (July 19, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0525954627
ISBN-13: 978-0525954620
Product Dimensions: 6.3 x 1.2 x 9.2 inches

"Finder shows off his top-notch storytelling skills, moving with ease from high places to low in the nation's capital."
—Kirkus Reviews

“Finder really knows his way around a thriller, and his sensibilities about Washington, scandal, and the immediacy—and threat—of digital publishing and electronic surveillance seem chillingly plausible. This is an exciting, insightful thriller with finely sketched characters—in other words, a sure bet in public libraries.”
—Booklist (starred review)

"[A] tight plot, sharp dialogue, and a cast of intriguing characters keep the story a cut above the genre pack.”
—Publishers Weekly

"Finder (The Fixer) shows off his clever storytelling skills by packing action, politics, and modern detective techniques into a complicated plotline that leads to murder."
—Library Journal

“This is a dark tale of intrigue and underhanded politics…If you’re a Finder fan, this book will not disappoint you. If you’re not, you might become one after this read.”
—Suspense Magazine

"Finder’s prose is lean, the pacing swift and agile, and the plot well worth gossiping about."
—Minneapolis Star Tribune

“Guilty Minds balances its thriller tenets with solid characters…, razor-sharp dialogue, and a breathless plot that careens from one realistic twist to another.” —Mystery Scene Magazine

“Finder is one of the best contemporary thriller writers.” —Connecticut Post

Лауреат: 2017 г.Премия Барри (Лучший триллер)

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