
Моя оценка

Natural causes or foul play? That’s the question Clay Edison must answer each time he examines a body. Figuring out motives and chasing down suspects aren’t part of his beat—not until a seemingly…
Издательство: Ballantine Books, Penguin Random House

Лучшая рецензия на книгу

23 августа 2020 г. 14:26


2.5 Expectation was more "crime", than "scene"

Pleasant narration with spots of humor. 
I like the way authors put moral issues we encounter in our lives as well. It makes the novel seem real, as if Clay Edison is not a non-existing person from the book but a friend of your pal telling you his story. 
The solvation of the crime-plot is smooth; there is no final scene with gun-shooting-chasing around the crooked house where a perpetrator had spend his childhood...
I would say the book is stylish; this is the way you are slightly stunned if you were thinking that Penelope Cruz is perfect and then you meet Monica Belucci... Bammm! The moment you realize that there are other planets in the universe...
So I would recommend the novel to those who prefer contemplation than action, being whithin the athmosphere than a high-score result.
Still I…


ISBN: 978-0399594601

Год издания: 2017

Язык: Английский


Всего 1

23 августа 2020 г. 14:26


2.5 Expectation was more "crime", than "scene"

Pleasant narration with spots of humor. 
I like the way authors put moral issues we encounter in our lives as well. It makes the novel seem real, as if Clay Edison is not a non-existing person from the book but a friend of your pal telling you his story. 
The solvation of the crime-plot is smooth; there is no final scene with gun-shooting-chasing around the crooked house where a perpetrator had spend his childhood...
I would say the book is stylish; this is the way you are slightly stunned if you were thinking that Penelope Cruz is perfect and then you meet Monica Belucci... Bammm! The moment you realize that there are other planets in the universe...
So I would recommend the novel to those who prefer contemplation than action, being whithin the athmosphere than a high-score result.
Still I…


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