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Bucket Maguire, the window cleaner, who must do more than he bargained for to protect his son. Nessa Byrne, whose aunt comes to visit from America for six weeks every summer and turns the house -…
Издательство: Orion Books

Dolly's Mother
It's Only a Day
Fay's New Uncle
A Problem of My Own
All That Matters
Joice and the Blind Date
Liberty Green
The Cure for Sleeplessness
Miss Ranger's Reward
Decision in Dublin
The wrong Caption
Star Sullivan
Taxi Men Are Invisible
A Card for Father's Day
The Gift of Dignity
The Investment
The Leap of Faith
Lilian's Hair
Flowers from Grace
The Builders
Bucket Maguire
The Older Man
Philip and the Flower Arrangers
Reasonable Access
By the Time We Get to Clifden
The Women Who Righted Wrongs
The Singhting
The Lottety of the Birds
Madame Magic
Say Nothing
Eager to Please
Seeing Things Clearly
Fair Exchange
The Window Box
Finn's Future
One Night a Year
Tara's Horse

ISBN: 9781409151814

Год издания: 2015

Жанры:  Современная проза


“[The] prose is lyrical, carrying the reader along like a lullaby. . . Each tale offers a lesson about our preconceived notions and prejudices, themes that have been a Binchy hallmark. . . For Maeve Binchy fans, Chestnut Street is a gift bequeathed to the reader.” —Mary Cadden, USA Today

“Has everything that makes Binchy special, in small delicious bites; her ability to capture human nature, describe individual life arcs, and breathe life into characters and settings really shines in these stories. . . . Chestnut Street is fictional, but the characters are very real. It’s Binchy’s gift, this ability to tell stories through characters we recognize, can relate to, want to know. . . We believe in her world, and the people she populates it with. They may be very Irish, and often concern themselves with Irish issues—but at heart, the problems are human and universal.” —Bobbi Dumas, NPR

“Gives us one last extraordinary look at ordinary people as they struggle with family relationships, romances gone awry, and the possibility for a better future. . . . One finds here insightful observations about human nature—all with Binchy’s thoughtful and loving touch that will be sorely missed.” —Publishers Weekly

“Binchy was well-known for creating realistic characters who interact in ordinary ways, in ordinary places. . . . Her many fans are sure to line up to read this.” —Booklist

“A posthumous collection of loosely linked stories from the much cherished Irish writer who died in 2012. . . . For Binchy aficionados, a late indulgence.” —Kirkus Reviews

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