Моя оценка

The highly anticipated collection of poems from the award-winning writer Ocean Vuong

How else do we return to ourselves but to fold
The page so it points to the good part

In this deeply…
Издательство: ‎Penguin Press

Time is a Mother, роман

ISBN: 978-0593300237

Год издания: 2022

Язык: Английский

Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 128 pages


"There's something about Vuong's writing that demands all of your lungs. The succinct line arrangement and absence of full stops in poems such as 'Dear Rose' force you to breathe heavy ... Being led by urge and compulsion feels central to the emotional landscape of Time Is a Mother, sometimes to the point of recklessness. The painterly opener, 'The Bull', sets the tone for this sense of wild abandon ... Underneath the macabre scenes is an innocent curiosity and thirst for truth and beauty. These ghost poems are about the cavernous corners of loss, grief, abandonment, trauma and war, but that doesn't result in nihilism or apathy for life; in fact, Vuong approaches death like an entrance rather than an ending."

Номинант: 2022 г.Выбор сайта Goodreads (Лучшая поэзия)

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