This Isn’t Going to End Well: The True Story of a Man I Thought I Knew

Дэниел Уоллес


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A profoundly moving, large-hearted, genre-bending memoir from the bestselling author of Big Fish .

If we’re lucky, we all encounter at least one person whose life elevates and inspires our own.…
Издательство: Algonquin Books

ISBN: 9781643752105

Год издания: 2023

272 pages, Hardcover


"Clean, clear language, sturdy throughout, is fitting, as it maps a strangely stunning life ... Wallace's book is illustrated with William's extraordinary cartoons — detailed maps of rivers and back country, white-water guidance, character satires, first-aid instructions ... What Wallace manages in setting down this cryptic, powerful story is fourfold: He conveys its intense mystery ... He evokes the natures of the key players, their feats and their settings in time and place with sensuous immediacy. He describes how it felt to live inside his own, hapless witnessing, and later mortal reflections...Above all, he imbues this chronicle with tremendous compassion — for William, for everyone."

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