Our Migrant Souls: A Meditation on Race and the Meanings and Myths of “Latino”

Гектор Тобар


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A new book by the Pulitzer Prize – winning writer about the twenty-first-century Latino experience and identity.

"Latino" is the most open-ended and loosely defined of the major race categories…
Издательство: MCD

ISBN: 9780374609900

Год издания: 2023

256 pages, Hardcover


"Well equipped for such a task ... Easily his most personal book ... Tobar uses his biography sparingly to illustrate larger aspects of Latino experience. He is as likely to quote historians and cultural theorists as he is to cite students, store clerks or an undocumented Trump supporter randomly encountered on the street ... Tobar takes care to depict Latino life in a universal light, as something easily comprehensible to anyone who has ever felt the pull of a far-off person or place ... There is power in the refrain of Tobar's direct address, which gives his writing the feel of warm advice dispensed to youngsters grappling with a sense of self."

Лауреат: 2023 г.Киркус (Документальная книга)

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