Моя оценка

Most overviews of film are written from some high, sunlit mountaintop. In this first collection of Harlan Ellison's cinema criticism (with expanded, never-before-collected articles as well as an essay written especially for this volume) come from the darkened interiors of a thousand movie houses where this most peculiar of all Observers of the Passing Scene has spent much of his life. The view is guaranteed to make you grind your teeth in anger, nod your head in blessed agreement, and open your eyes in a manner of judging films that is definitely not plebeian. Harlan Ellison's love affair with movies is obvious. As an essayist, he has no…

Форма: документальное произведение

Первая публикация: 1988

Язык: Английский

Лауреат: 1990 г.Премия Брэма Стокера (Публицистика)

Популярные книги

Всего 750

Новинки книг

Всего 241