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With nothing but rumors to lead her, Lynn Harmony has trekked across a nightmare landscape to find one man—a mysterious, damaged legend who protects the weak and leads the strong. He’s more than muscle and firepower—and in post-plague L.A., he’s her only hope. As the one woman who could cure the disease, Lynn is the single most volatile—and vulnerable—creature in this new and ruthless world. But face to face with Jax Mercury…

Danger has never looked quite so delicious…
Цикл: Синдром Скорпиона, книга №1

Форма: роман

Оригинальное название: Mercury Striking

Дата написания: ~2016

Первая публикация: January 26, 2016

Язык: Английский

Лауреат: 2017 г.Премия Дафны дю Морье (Паранормальная романическая тайна/саспенс)

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