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Desperate to stop Aomine, Kagami enters the Zone as well. Everyone is shocked as they watch their showdown. However, Kagami emerges as the winner because he states he’s the ace that his team…
Издательство: Shueisha

136th Quarter: I'll Win!!
137th Quarter: Like I'd Lose
138th Quarter: Believing
139th Quarter: Game Over!!
140th Quarter: I'm Really Glad
141st Quarter: Nice to meet you! (Nice to meet you!) (The original title of this chapter is Nice to meet you! (よろしくな), with よろしくな functioning as a translation of the romanized Nice to meet you)
142nd Quarter: Please Teach Me
143rd Quarter: It Couldn't be Easy
144th Quarter: It'll Be Fun

ISBN: 978-4-08-870372-5

Год издания: 2012

Том: 16 из 30

Язык: Японский

192 pages

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