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In the near future, a young woman finds her mother's body starfished on the kitchen floor in Queens and sets on a journey through language, archives, artificial intelligence, and TV for a way back…
Издательство: Straus and Giroux, Farrar

ISBN: 9780374177706

Год издания: 2022

Язык: Английский

304 pages, Hardcover


"Akil Kumarasamy's first book, 'Half Gods,' was a linked story collection revolving around two Tamil brothers...But for all that book's prodigious skill and deft structure, readers of 'Half Gods' will not be prepared for the uncanny brilliance of her first novel, 'Meet Us by the Roaring Sea'...'Meet Us by the Roaring Sea' is a brazenly complex, labyrinthinely structured, deeply philosophical, thematically ambitious novel, and although it may not be the breeziest read, it is also a masterpiece that more than confirms the promise of 'Half Gods'...Kumarasamy is one of more exciting young fiction writers at work right now."

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